Saturday, January 31, 2015

30 Paintings in 30 Days and What I Learned


This is a collage of my paintings for the last 30 days.  Thank you Leslie Saeta for putting this whole thing together!

This is WHAT I LEARNED from doing the challenge:
  • Don’t ever feel it’s a waste of time to scrape off and start again.  It’s still putting in the miles, doing the work, and keeping you in the paint!
  • Don’t assume anything.
  • Painting every day or almost every day or making some kind of art every day makes for a good creative habit!
  • It’s really good to experiment – it offers an opportunity to do something different.  You learn a lot!
  • I feel I can handle paint better, mix colors more accurately in a shorter period of time, and can get the values correct on the first or second try.
  • Making a lot of small paintings is really helpful if your goal is to eventually make large paintingsThere are several of these little paintings that I want to expand on in a larger format with more color detail and/or more abstract.
  • Look at the work other artists are creating; it's very inspiring for your own work.  There are a lot of really good artists out there!
  • Meditating puts you in a good place for painting.
  • All of this DOES make a difference!
  • I love having made this colorful series of small paintings!


  1. Interesting results! Great collage

    1. Thank you, Martine, for your nice comment. I appreciate it. It's been a fun month!

  2. Love seeing all the Ts w/o Ls together. Every day your painting would pop off the page at me.

    1. Hi Cris,
      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I appreciate it! It's been fun working with all the color!

  3. They look GREAT together! Congratulations on completing the challenge, it has been wonderful to see your work!

    1. Hi Rolina,
      Thank you so much for your nice comment. I do appreciate it! It was really a fun challenge and I'm looking forward to the next one!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for your comment, Sheila! I really appreciate it.

  5. What FUN to see these all together...they truly have impact! Such a strength to this series, Barbara. Congratulations on an awesome completion to your challenge...

    1. Hi Meredith -
      Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments! I appreciate you taking the time to check out my blog!

  6. Your collage is just awesome to look at! I love all your colors and the design you chose. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the challenge. I definitely can relate! Here is to scraping, painting and going forward with the journey!

  7. Thank you so much, Kaethe, for stopping by my blog. You always leave such nice and thoughtful comments!
