Friday, September 12, 2014

Almost Spring

6" x 6", oil on gessobord

My most recent painting.  Experimenting with color and shapes, lines and pattern.   

Thursday, September 11, 2014

3 Bare Trees

6" x 6", oil on gessobord

This is a little piece from last week.  For this painting, I was inspired by the subtle, neutral color in one of Stuart Shils' paintings from his Irish Oils - mid 1990's.

Other News: 
My dear friend, Carol Chase Bjerke, has an opening Friday, 09/12/14, at the Artisan Gallery in Paoli.  Stop by if you can.  The show is called "Touch/Stones" and her work is beautiful!

One more thing:
I was at a painting workshop this past Saturday through Monday with Kyle Martin at his Chicken Coop Studio in Rock Springs.  It was "Painting from Photos" and it was great!  I was there with six other artist friends.
 Chicken Coop Studio

Kyle did a demo each morning and we did a lot of painting each afternoon.  I came home totally inspired!   

BTW, if you are in the area Saturday, Kyle has an opening at the Blue Heron in Reedsburg.  

....and this is Kyle, a great teacher and a really nice guy!