This is a collage of my paintings for the last 30 days. Thank you Leslie Saeta for putting this whole thing together!
This is WHAT I LEARNED from doing the challenge:
- Don’t ever feel it’s a waste of time to scrape off and start again. It’s still putting in the miles, doing the work, and keeping you in the paint!
- Don’t assume anything.
- Painting every day or almost every day or making some kind of art every day makes for a good creative habit!
- It’s really good to experiment – it offers an opportunity to do something different. You learn a lot!
- I feel I can handle paint better, mix colors more accurately in a shorter period of time, and can get the values correct on the first or second try.
- Making a lot of small paintings is really helpful if your goal is to eventually make large paintings. There are several of these little paintings that I want to expand on in a larger format with more color detail and/or more abstract.
- Look at the work other artists are creating; it's very inspiring for your own work. There are a lot of really good artists out there!
- Meditating puts you in a good place for painting.
- All of this DOES make a difference!
- I love having made this colorful series of small paintings!